We were the first website to announce the FIFA release dates of the past five years. We will try again to accurately predict in which day the new title will come out. Find out on this page the most likely FIFA 19 release date.
FIFA 19 Release Date
We were the first website to announce the FIFA 14, FIFA 15, FIFA 16, FIFA 17 and FIFA 18 release dates. We did it four months before the official announcement. This year, we will be again the first one to share this information with you.
Here it is the estimated confirmed FIFA 19 Release Date:
📅 September 28, 2018 (Friday)
FIFA 19 will be available for Microsoft Windows, XBox One, Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch. Most likely, new versions for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 will not be developmented.
The FIFA 19 release date for all these platforms should be the same. Just like it happened for FIFA 18, it will be a worldwide release. In other words, the FIFA 18 release date will be the same one for UK, rest of Europe, United State, Australia, Japan or any other country.
FUT and Companion Web App for FIFA 19 are expected to be available for returning FUT gamers at September 19, 2018 (Wednesday), more than one week before the game release. The gamers will be rewarded with some welcome packs according to their FUT 18 activity. If everything goes normal, the FIFA 19 Demo will be launched on September 11.
Another way to start playing FIFA 19 earlier is to subscribe the EA Access or the Origin Access. For some dollars more you will be able to start playing the new FIFA at September 20, 2018.
Last year, FIFA 16 was released on September 22 in North America and September 24 in Australia, Latin America and Europe, including UK. The game was sold in Japanese stores only in October.
We remind you that the FIFA 19 release date indicated in this article is merely indicative. Currently, there is not any official confirmation of when it will be possible to play FIFA 19. Last year, FIFA 18 was released on September 29.